Mariette Poortman
School Year 11 Dean and Learning Support Co-ordinator year 7-13
“There is a definite difference in Jessica. She is more confident and is progressing well. I am working my way through the trigger words, this visual and tactile approach does work! I also appreciate that you were able to share what you did (with me) so that I can continue to work in this way… this student entered our school 6 years below her chronological age and after six months of intensive one to one tuition (including the week she worked with you) her Reading age (with Comprehension) improved by 4 years. We continue to see improvements”

Lance Moncrieff age 50
“I completed the 5 day course with Jayne Pivac at the age of 50, this has been a new learning curve. The Davis Program taught me an easy way to read books, to fully understand and to appreciate what is written from cover to cover.
Fiction especially, has always been more difficult. However I now look forward to catching up on the many books I missed out on since my School days. Reading is now really enjoyable. Thanks Jayne!”

PARENT: Layla age 9
“Thank – you so much Jayne, your insight, inspiration and work you have done with Layla has had such a positive impact. Layla always knew something wasn’t quite “working” at school. She managed to stay up with the class using every trick on the book, but has needed help especially in reading and spelling. Since completing the Davis course her idea of what she can accomplish academically has rapidly improved, with better results too. Her attitude is now “I CAN” A lot of new positive changes noticed, like joining and enjoying team sports (hockey), reading for fun, finishing tasks and setting tasks/projects for herself. MUCH MORE CONFIDENT”

Michele Bluck age 37
“In my teenage years I had a lot of headaches, as an adult these were very frequent and lasted days at a time, which was debilitating. Since doing the 5 day course 1 year ago I have had only three headaches! I am able to use the tools taught by Jayne to control my perception and speed of interaction. I never thought I had any kind of problem at schooI, I do remember thinking the teachers spoke extremely slowly (boring!) My level of reading, comprehension, writing ability and my use of the english language has increased dramatically. I know I have benefitted enormously from the course = THANKS JAYNE! :)”

David B.
“The Davis Dyslexia approach has given me the confidence to just be in the world… I am more curious and interested in learning…
I am very grateful to my Davis approach facilitator Jayne, who was consistantly patient and supportive… I think the Davis approach offers the gift of freedom: to live as a human being”

PARENT: Carolyn Williams
“Oh My!!! What a change!
The school had some of the Books you recommended – he has read 3 of them so far. He is really keen to do his reading and maths homework and is not shy about reading anything.
He still has some times where he is disorientated, but most of the time he is orientated. I cannot believe how much of a change the training has made to Addison’s reading and learning ability.
I just want to thank you once again for your patience, care and passion for correcting Dyslexia in adults and children. We are advocates of the Davis Dyslexia program! With thanks Carolyn”

JESSICA age 12:
“Before I went to Jayne I thought I couldn’t achieve anything, now I think I CAN DO ANYTHING!”

It’s time to take care of your abilities! Let me know a good time to call you – Jayne